Complete the crosswords with words from chapter 10
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
4. When you contact someone with a phone: you ... him. 5. When something happens very quickly and without warning. 9. When you respond to a question, You ... a question. 10. It is a synonym of disappeared. 12. It is the melody the phone produces when someone calls you. 13. Little mission that a player accomplishes to earn some money in a game. 14. It is an opening in a wall to admit light. On Internet it could be a synonym of an Internet page.
1. The secret word, sentence or numbers used to protect your Facebook account or your email account. 2. It is when you ask something. You ask a ... 3. When you play with an Internet connection. When you play a game it could be offline or ... 4. Correspond to the hints which help to resolve an enigma. 6. He plays a game, so he is a... 7. To attempt to do something. 8. Not staying immobile. When you shift from a page to another. 11. The part of a computer which allows you to see everything; without it you cannot use the computer.