A la fin du conte, la reine Queenie n'est pas heureuse. Sais-tu pourquoi ?
- She is not happy because she lost her phone.
- She is not happy because she married the frog.
- She is sad because she loved Snow-White but she left.
- She is not happy because the king divorced her, and she is not the fairest.
Quels cadeaux les nains ont-ils offert à Snow-White quand elle a eu son diplome de vétérinaire ?
- A cake of roses.
- A emerald frog.
- A dress.
- Candies !
- A diamond apple
- A ruby rose
Why did the king divorce Queenie ?
- Because she stole his credit card !
- Because she tried to kill Snow-White, his daughter !
- Because she is not the fairest anymore.
- Because she is wicked !
- Because she only thinks about beauty !