Words on the road to Derry.
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2. An essential figure of Irish folklore 3. Hugo is the son of his parents and Hannah is their .... 5. What is the English word for "suivre". 6. A boat in which you can take your car 8. Food you can find in the forest and eat if it's not toxic 10. Abbreviation for "mother". 11. A person born in Ireland. 13. What is the english word for "étrange" 14. What's the name of Moira's daughter? 15. Past tense of the verb to grow
1. The first meal of the day 4. Your birthday is the day you were ... 7. Contrary of "old". 8. What is the name of Kiera's mother? 9. The English word for "saucisse". 12. In which town does Kiera live? 16. An essential part of an Irish breakfast.